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Continuum of Care Governance

The MD BoS CoC Governance Structure Consists of:
  • CoC General Members: Anyone interested in ending homelessness who lives or works in the MD BoS CoC geographic area.

  • CoC Board: 20 member decision-making entity comprised of LHC and State Agency representatives.

  • Local Homelessness Coalitions (LHCs): Local planning groups within the MD BoS CoC that make specific plans to end homelessness in their communities.

  • CoC Committees: Groups composed of CoC General Members that carry out the high-level work of the CoC. Committees ensure that the CoC fulfills all of the requirements established by HUD. 

  • CoC Collaborative Applicant: The agency that applies for CoC Program funds. In the MD BoS CoC, this role is filled by the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD).

  • CoC HMIS Lead Agency: The agency appointed by the CoC to administer and operate HMIS. In the MD BoS CoC, this role is filled by the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD).

  • CoC Lead Agency and staff support: The agency appointed by the CoC to carry out the legislatively mandated duties established by the CoC Interim Rule. In the MD BoS CoC, this role is filled by DHCD.

MD BoS CoC Governance Documents

The MD BoS CoC is responsible for updating the MD BoS CoC Governance Charter and CoC Written Standards at minimum, annually. The documents governing the Maryland Balance of State Continuum of Care activities can be found below.


MD BoS CoC Governance Charter

MD BoS CoC Written Standards for Service Delivery - Pending

Public Comment on CoC Governance

The MD BoS CoC seeks public comment on the CoC Governance Charter.  A public comment period allows for stakeholders to review the existing document and provide feedback based on experience and expertise.


The annual feedback and review process is open from January 17 - February 28th, 2024.


Governance related feedback and comments should be sent to:



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